
Last spring drapery swatches destined for the dumpster found their way into my family room.


Visions of art quilts danced through my head.

Over the summer a few of those beautiful fabrics were liberated from their bindings. 

It turned out that prying open sample books and removing umpteen staples was a time consuming, knuckle-scraping, red-face-making, downright messy task...that could wait.

I felt a little pang of guilt each time I walked by the mountain of swatches awaiting my attention, but suppressed the urge to rip into the pile again...until NOW!

Ripping complete!


I am sorting by colour, throwing neutrals into the center.

My colour tool is handy for this step.
I set aside the silks, not including them in the colour wheel:

I have a gut feeling about these. Something special is brewing.

I also have a stack of "see through" fabrics. These ones are crinkly!

I still need to figure out a practical storage solution that will make it easy to use these delicious morsels.

Any suggestions??

Last week I'd mentioned that I use a planning and goal setting tool that makes my heart sing. 

Here it is!

Leonie Dawson, formerly known as "Goddess Leonie", is a woo-woo-hippie-type artist with a knack for teaching people how to be kind to themselves, focus, and get sh*t done.

After getting to know her through her blog (I enjoy her joyful personality!), I finally decided to put out the ten bucks and buy her 2013 planner. I'm so glad I did!

I snapped up the 2014 edition as soon as it became available.

I don't do every single exercise in the book...only the ones that are meaningful and useful to me (about 90% of them).

When I do the work (and it is work) I feel empowered and free, mindful and focused, hopeful and happy. And my heart sings.

Until next time,
Try, Learn, Grow!

